Baal has been represented in written text, sculpture and graven images for centuries; however, Baal has also been seen in both film and animation. The 1953 Lippert Pictures produced film titled 'The Sins of Jezebel', would be a classic example. This plot of the film revolves around the Old Testament story of Elijah, Jezebel, Ahab and Baal. Here is an interesting review of the film. In 2003 a partnership between Insight Film and Cinetel Film Studios produced 'Baal: The Storm God''. The story follows an archeologist, as he seeks to revive Baal, in hopes of enlisting his powers as a means to curing himself of cancer. And of course, you can find an interesting review of this film here;although, if you have not seen the film yet, you may want to avoid reading the review until afterwards...
There is also an animated feature entitled "The Animated Stories from the Bible: Elijah", which like the previously mentioned "Sins of Jezebel", retells the Old Testament story of Elijah, Jezebel, Ahab and Baal.
In his "Beelzebub" form, the deity Baal has been of course, cast in the many adaptations of 'The Strange Tell of Dr. Faust'. The 1967 version "Doctor Faust", features Richard Burton as Faust and Elizabeth Taylor as the woman who tempts him into making a deal with the underworld. Jeremy Eccles plays Beelzebub in the film. There is also a popular Japanese anime series which goes by the name of Beelzubub which you may, or may not find interesting...
If you know of any more examples of Baal in film or animation, please send us a link.....